Nashville Whiplash Treatment

What is whiplash?  

Whiplash is a condition that is most commonly generated from the forces in a rear-end automobile collision.  

While there are certainly many complicated factors that occur during an accident, the following gives a simple explanation of the mechanisms at work.  

  • As the impact occurs, the head, neck and back are whipped forcefully in a hyperflexed and then hyperextended motion. 
  • This forced motion is responsible for a stretching or tearing of the muscles and associated tissues of the spine.  
  • When this over-stretching or tearing occurs, fluid begins to build up outside the damaged tissues and begins to inflame the nerves that are surrounding this area.
  • When the nerves become irritated, this sends a signal to the brain that basically says "there's a problem in the neck or back, let's fix it!"  
  • The brain will then send a signal to the nerves which then tell the muscles to contract or spasm in order to protect the damaged areas. 

Symptoms of whiplash injuries include pain and stiffness in the neck, upper back and shoulders.  Headaches and sensory abnormalities such as numbness and tingling may also result.  

Symptoms may appear directly afterwards, but are often not felt until days after the injury.  This is especially true for low speed auto accidents.  

Chiropractic Treatment for Whiplash and Back Pain from Car accidents

Painless chiropractic treatment is necessary to realign bones of the spine and restore integrity to the ligaments, muscle, and joints. Soft tissue heals as scar tissue which is weaker and less resistant. Just like a bruised apple, it never returns to its original state.

The doctor of Chiropractic is trained to determine if a problem in the spine may be the cause of pain in the back or elsewhere. Have your spine checked by experts...chiropractic doctors. 

Chiropractic care will help to not only relieve the pain symptoms, but also help ensure optimum recovery.  It's one thing to deal with the pain now, but will the accident affect you in the future?

How can I pay for this treatment?

Many times the insurance of the vehicle that caused the accident will cover all of your treatment.  If you were the at fault party, most people have MedPay coverage which will cover your treatment costs.

Dr. Michael Buczynski at Art of Health Chiropractic in Nashville, TN has treated over 1100 auto accident patients over the past two years.  He has worked with patients exhibiting symptoms such as whiplash, headaches, wrist and shoulder sprains, disk bulges, hip and knee pain, numbness, tingling, back pain, and more.

Call the office at (615)953-7544 to schedule your appointment today.