Faster Back Pain Recovery With Chiropractic

Chiropractic for Low Back Pain in Nashville

We’ve successfully treated many back pain patients over the past few years, and our patients prefer to use chiropractic care because it offers a natural, non-invasive way for them to stay pain-free and live the life they want.

Recently, a study was published in the medical journal Spine that found that chiropractic also offers a quicker recovery from back pain than standard medical care.

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh looked at 107 adults who had back pain that had started in the previous 12 weeks. The subjects were divided into three different groups: manual chiropractic care, mechanical-assisted adjustments, or usual medical care. Each of the patients were treated over four weeks, during which the chiropractic patients received eight adjustments and the usual medical care patients received three office visits.

The authors found that the patients who received manual chiropractic adjustments had “greater short-term reductions in self-reported pain and disability” when compared to usual medical care or mechanical adjustments. The authors conclude that for patients who wish to have care that doesn’t involved drugs:

Manipulation should be offered as an effective therapeutic option to patients within the context of preference-sensitive care, allowing the patient to make an informed choice which reflects their individual values and preferences. It has been found that treatment options which align with patient preferences lead to enhanced patient satisfaction.”

If you are suffering from back pain, chiropractic is the perfect solution. We can help pinpoint the source of your pain and create a treatment plan that will help you get pain-free.

Call our office in Nashville, TN today at (615) 953-7544 for an appointment or answers to your questions!


Schneider M, Haas M, Glick R, Stevans J, Landsittel D. A comparison of spinal manipulation methods and usual medical care for acute and sub-acute low back pain: a randomized clinical trial. Spine 2014;Nov 21.