cold laser treatment nashville

Why Does My Chiropractor Have A Laser?

Why Does My Chiropractor Have A Laser?

If you have ever been to a chiropractor's office, you know what you are used to seeing. There is usually some sort of adjusting table, maybe some exercise equipment, and typically a muscle stim or ultrasound machine for pain management.

Tennis Elbow Treatment in Nashville

Tennis Elbow Treatment in Nashville

Tennis Elbow Treatment in Nashville

Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

Lateral epicondylitis - commonly called tennis elbow - is a tendonitis problem around the elbow. Tendinitis is inflammation of the tendon. Inflammation is the body’s response to injury, whether it is an acute strain or in this case more commonly a repetitive overuse injury.

Laser Therapy - Frequently Asked Questions

Laser Therapy - Frequently Asked Questions

Over the last few weeks, I have had patients bring up some great questions about our laser therapy treatment.  I wanted to address them all in one place, so that future patients could have a reference.

Whiplash Treatment In Nashville

Whiplash Treatment In Nashville

There are three main components to healing correctly from whiplash, no matter what the severity of the impact, but the one most patients are concerned about is getting out of pain.

Nashville's Most Powerful Deep Tissue Laser Therapy Treatment

Nashville's Most Powerful Deep Tissue Laser Therapy Treatment

The doctors at Art of Health Chiropractic in Nashville, TN are excited to offer the LiteCure EX Deep Tissue Laser.  This is the most powerful laser currently available in ANY Nashville chiropractic office.